Want amazing wardrobe pieces in your closet
that you love + feel amazing wearing?!

Use this guide to ensure you're bringing home only incredible wardrobe pieces that will stand the test of time.

Make sure you like all your answers to these questions. You don't need to ask yourself all these questions once your answer becomes an apparent "no."

Flattery Test:
Does it flatter your body shape?
Skin tone?

Fabric Check:
Is it stretchy?
Will it stretch out/lose its shape?
Will the fabric pill?
Will the seams fall apart after a few washes?

Longevity Test:
It is timeless or trendy?
Can you use it for multiple seasons?
Will it work with different styles?
Will you still want to wear it in 5 years? 10 years?

Quantity Check:
Do you have something like this already?
Do you need another one?

Categorize Intended Use: Think about your current quantity.
Special Occasion
Casual/Weekend Attire
Business/Work Attire
Can this item be used for multiple occasions?


Keep this checklist handy for all your shopping endeavors to ensure you only bring home AMAZING wardrobe pieces.

This guide will help you keep your closet curated and in tip-top shape.
Having all killer and no filler will make it so much fun to get dressed for any occasion.