
My brain loves to remember cringe-worthy, awkward things I’ve done or said in the past.

Sometimes it’s from the day before, sometimes it’s things from... 2nd grade.

Regardless of when it happened, my brain ruminates on how awkward/extra/embarrassing/annoying/ridiculous I was.

But I’ve found the cure-all solution to stop this pattern in its TRACKS.

The new thought I’m choosing:

To be clear, it’s NOT in the process of forgiving, but rather that it’s already DONE.

Then I can love myself unconditionally.

When I know it’s been forgiven by ME, there’s nothing to regret or be sorry about. I can move on with genuine peace.

When a random awkward memory pops onto my head, I remind myself:
”Oh yeah... this has already been forgiven.”

BOOM. The ruminating stops and I’m released of the burden.

Having confidence doesn’t look like arrogance. It looks like having your own back NO MATTER WHAT.

Want to stop doubting yourself so you can go after your dreams and finally get the results you want without the years of trial and error?I can help you.

Regain control of your mind, your actions, and your life.
Start by signing up for a FREE mini-session.

You’ll get a clear understanding of what is and isn’t working for you and some amazing and actionable tools to start implementing right away.

It’s completely free. If you decide that you want to keep working together we can chat about it at the end of our call.

Have a beautiful weekend.
All my best,

personal life coaching