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SELF-confidence to do what you want but afraid people will think you’re arrogant?

Don’t worry. They're not nearly the same thing.

Confidence = the belief in your own capabilities.

Arrogance = the belittling of other people in order to feel ‘better than.’

SELF-CONFIDENCE = Having your own back no matter what.

Self-confidence what you need to achieve and goal, whether that's a better relationship with someone, or following through on your plans to yourself.

Self-confidence is knowing that you can feel any emotion and that you’ll be okay... because you know you'll have your own back.

It’s the willingness to experience the suck that comes with doing hard things.

It’s the willingness to tell the truth and live in integrity even if it’s inconvenient for others.

It’s the difference between betraying yourself to please others (lying in order to keep the peace) and being honest, open, genuine, and having integrity.

It’s possible to be live in integrity, have genuine, mutual, honest connections, and not be a jerk.

Letting yourself down to please others, feels good for no one.

(Ever been on the receiving end of BEING people pleased? Ick.)

To build self-confidence, start small.

When you don’t want cake at a party, say no thank you.

When you don’t want to attend an event, ask how else you can contribute.

Then allow your emotions that come up.

What you resist, persist. So make sure you allow the negative emotions to be there, too.

Make space for vulnerability.

Allow for awkwardness. 

Allow others to get mad about your truth.

Allow others to be wrong about you.

It’s freedom.

Self-confidence is having a secure relationship with yourself.

It starts with you.

Honor your truths.

Try it out, let me know how it goes.

DM me if you want some help with a specific example.

I’m here. 🤗

Talk soon,

P.S. Watch the Instagram Live on this very topic, I talk about a few personal examples that might resonate with you, too.
Click here:
"Is self-confidence arrogant?"



“Coaching came into existence to fill an unmet need, which coincided with the shift away from a model of psychological illness, and toward the humanistic ideal of wellness. And growth.” -Vikki Brock

Have a beautiful weekend.
All my best,

personal life coach