How To Have More Peace and Less Drama.

How to have PEACE, not drama.

Are you exhausted from the drama in your life?

I want you to know you can have peace.

Here’s how...

Start by recognizing what’s story (drama) and what’s fact.

If you hear any of these words it’s usually drama:
no one
or exaggerated statements like “it’s killing me” or “I can’t handle this.”

Facts are neutral. Once we pull those out of the story we get to decide what to think about them.

That’s where we regain all the power over our choices, our emotions and our lives.

There are two kinds of drama:
1. Our own mind drama.
2. Other people’s drama.

When we have our own mind drama about other people’s drama, that’s gossip.

If you want more PEACE in your life, you gotta let go of the drama.

Struggling with this and want more peace in your relationships?

Use the link in my bio to schedule a free mini-session with me. You’ll get actionable tools to implement on the call to start implementing right away.

If you love coaching and we’re a great fit we can chat about how to work together.

Watch the Instagram Live I did to hear about how to create more PEACE and have less drama.


Struggling with having peace in your relationships?

Use the link in my bio to schedule a free mini-session with me. You’ll get actionable tools to implement on the call to start implementing right away.

If you love coaching and we’re a great fit we can chat about how to work together.

This one little decision may change your entire perspective. Let it.


“Coaching came into existence to fill an unmet need, which coincided with the shift away from a model of psychological illness, and toward the humanistic ideal of wellness. And growth.” -Vikki Brock

Have a beautiful weekend.
All my best,

personal life coach