What would change for you if...

you weren't afraid of what the haters (or your family) would say?

If you're hiding or not showing up the ways you'd like to

because you're scared of what people might think
you're living a lie.

 You're lying because you're not showing up as YOU... the whole you.


I did this my whole life until I learned that
I had to stop people-pleasing so I could please myself.


Sometimes we don't do things because we're afraid of what others will think and sometimes we're really just afraid of feeling a negative emotion (like self-doubt, vulnerability, embarrassment, etc).

Emotions are just vibrations in our bodies.

They can't hurt us.

As soon as I was willing to feel "scary" emotions like vulnerability I:

Started showing up on camera for my business.
Started reaching out to people and TRULY connecting with people.
Started sharing this content with yall!
Said no to things I didn't want to do.
Said yes to the things I wanted to have and do.
 This is all just because I was WILLING to feel an emotion.

Doing this came at the price of people saying:
"You're different now."

I gained my own approval and trust in myself.
I gained my own compassion and unconditional self-love.
I stopped denying myself of my desires.
Some people actually liked me more.

Give others the honor of telling the truth and being yourself
because the alternative is lying.

Lying never feels good for anyone.

The monster under your bed is a feeling.
It's the fear of "What will they think?"

That monster can keep you scared
or you can turn on the lights and see it can't hurt you
because it's just an emotion.

You showed up 100% yourself?
Had your own back?
Loved your decisions?
Took care of yourself?
Liked yourself for who you are?