As humans, we get to think about what we're thinking about.

It's kinda meta...

Your thoughts about you, (aka your relationship you have with yourself) determines everything in your life. It determines what kind of spouse you have, what kind of job you choose, and the quality of your relationships.

Let me share an example with you.

One day I was complaining about my appearance in the mirror.

It felt like i was just reporting the news...

My boyfriend was in the room with me.

I looked in the mirror and said, "Oh my gaaah, look at my WEIRD proportions... 

I mean, my chest is incredible small compared to everything else.

My head is tiny and it makes my body look HUGE.

So what do you want for lunch today?"

My boyfriend turned to me with a stern look on his face and said...

"If you EVER talk to my girlfriend like that ever again..."

(He was half-joking, but it makes sense, right?! He's sick of his girlfriend being verbally abused... BY HERSELF…. BY ME.)

It hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I was talking down to his girlfriend (ME!), like a petty, mean, high school girl.


What I was saying about myself was normal for me, it was my everyday experience.
Heck, I thought what I said out loud was G-rated compared to the things I kept to myself. As messed up as it sounds, it was comfortable for me.

Since then, I've done so much work on this very topic.
I've come along way, but these thoughts still come up for me sometimes.

This awareness changed things for me.

Now I can recognize that voice that criticizes me. 

I banned myself from engaging with her anymore, but she still whispers negative comments to me. 

What I do about it:

A.) I either let those comments float out of my head as easy as they float in.


B.) I talkback. I put that "mean girl" in her place. She gets real quiet, real quick.

Can I get a BYE FELICIA to the mean girl we all have inside of us?!

Your thoughts about you... determine the quality of the relationship you have with yourself.

If you need help with this, I can help you. 

Want to stop doubting yourself so you can go after your dreams and finally get the results you want without the years of trial and error?I can help you.

Regain control of your mind, your actions, and your life.
Start by signing up for a FREE mini-session.

You’ll get a clear understanding of what is and isn’t working for you and some amazing and actionable tools to start implementing right away.

It’s completely free. If you decide that you want to keep working together we can chat about it at the end of our call.

Have a beautiful weekend.
All my best,

personal life coaching