What is a first look?

A first look is when a couple chooses to see each other before their ceremony.

Before you start shaking your head, "no, no, no, no," hear me out when I say that this could make your day even more romantic and help you create more in your memories.


An old wedding tradition says that it's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony.

I realize that people have been dreaming of this day and the moment they see each other at the end of the aisle.

It's that magical moment in all romantic-comedy, wedding movies where everyone's checking to see if the groom has shed a tear when he sees the lovely girl in a white dress walking towards him. 

…I promise, this phenomenal “aisle moment” STILL happens regardless of a first look or not.

The thing is,  wedding days are not accurately portrayed in movies.

Your wedding day is going to be gorgeous and full of all those warm, fuzzy feelings, and you will be surrounded by your favorite people.

Your day will be jam-packed with special moments, because of that and the day will fly by right before your eyes!



What you get when you decide to do a first look, is designated time for you and your love to see each other and be with each other.

It’s time to look at each other in the eye, absorb each other, and feel each other’s energy... without everyone staring to see if you'll cry…or trip, haha!

These first look movements might be the most tender moments of your day.

It’s private alone time to say "I love you," "I can't wait to marry you," and "LET’S DO THIS THING!!" 


It’s the perfect way to spend more time together (just the two of you) on your day, which is what your wedding is all about.