Trying to ‘DIY’ your way to transformation is extremely difficult.

because you can’t see what you can’t see.

you're trying to use your brain to

work on your brain.

which is the problem in the first place.

It’s like having food on your face.

You might figure it out... eventually... 😅 but if someone holds up a mirror... you learn immediately!

I've created new, permanent, positive results for myself because I hired someone to hold up a mirror to my BRAIN.

My Real-Life Example:

I used to think:   "I'm overweight because my parents rarely made home-cooked meals and instead fed me sugar (Frootloops) and sugar water (CapriSuns) my whole life. 

I thought that for years, which perpetuated my belief.

When I blamed them, I felt helpless.

When I felt helpless I kept eating to numb the pain of my hopelessness.

My Result: I continued to gain weight.

For a while I looked to self-help podcasts and books to help me solve the problem.
They helped.
A little bit.
Then I'd return to my old habits and would gain the weight back.

Finally, I gave up trying to ‘DIY’ my problem because it wasn't working!

I hired someone to show me what I wasn't able to learn on my own.

It was the BEST idea ever.

I lost 20 pounds in about 2 months because I got a coach.

She showed me where all my POWER lies. 

She showed me where I was believing my own bullshit.

She showed me WHY I was stuck, and how to get the hell outta there.

I invested in my health, in my mind, and in me for the first time EVER.

I was scared.

I did it anyway.

I committed.

And I got what I wanted.

Now I live in a body that I never thought was possible for me.

Because I betted on ME, I created this.

And I've kept the weight off because the experience changed me, forever!

I'm never going back.

We can predict the future.

You’ll get the same results you’ve always gotten

if you continue to do what you've always done.


YOU can create YOUR future

by choosing to change. 

Sometimes the most simple solution is to ask for help.

Hey, let me know what you're struggling with so I can make content with you in mind.



P.S. This is what Victoria said after coaching with me, "I can already feel the transformation in my thinking and how I show up for my clients. Seriously, book her while she's offering free 30min coaching sessions!"

Schedule a consultaion call to see if coaching is right for you.