3 Things You Need To Remove From Your Closet Immediately


These three things aren't serving you.

That means they're:
1. Adding to your existing stress levels.
2. Taking up precious space.
3. Diluting your closet by keeping the "meh" stuff present and in your life.



1. Super Old Underwear - Need I say more?

No, but really.
Do yourself a favor and let go of old underwear and anything that is uncomfortable.
Keep your favorite undies that are in good shape.

*You may need to add some new underwear to your collection to fill in the gaps.
Treat yo self. They don't have to be super expensive.
Use the information about what you got rid of to choose your new undies wisely!

2. Shoes That Hurt Your Feet

This kind of self-torture is never worth it.
If you think they are that cute, chances are you are the one who appreciates them most.
If they cause you pain/nerve damage, that's self-inflicted pain.
It's not worth a couple of compliments. Don't live your life to impress others.
Impress yourself AND wear cute shoes that don't hurt. (THEY EXIST!)

When you try on new shoes, keep them on for a couple of minutes, take some steps.
Usually, the signs are there.
If they hurt, you won't get good use out of them and they ultimately will be worth nothing but pain to you. And it wasted your hard-earned money. (RUDE.)
Don't be rude to yourself. Even if they are on clearance!

3. Excess Scarves and Beanies - Especially Seasonal Accessories

Scarves and beanies are fun to buy because it feels like you will one day feel creative and want to add some "pizzazz" to an outfit.
Or someone gifted them to you but they aren't really your style.
Scarves, beanies, and winter accessories usually get unconsciously collected and hoarded.
Challenge: Pick your favorite top 3 items. Ask yourself if you would ever choose from the reject pile over your top three. If the answer is no, let them go.
Next time you feel an urge to buy a "new, fun, wintery thing" remember the ghosts of scarves past.

You just UPGRADED your closet... FOR FREE by removing the clutter.

Take a step back and enjoy the new space you've created for yourself.