I have an indulgent secret.

How do I know it's indulgent?? Because it gets me nowhere.

My Secret: Sometimes I indulge in self-loathing so I don't have to do hard things.

My indulgent thought: "I'm so overbearing."
These three little words make me feel like CRAP (aka self-loathing).

...which leads me to question all my life's choices, eat ice cream at my desk at 2pm, scroll Instagram for too long, etc, etc.

All these things keep me farther away from my goals because when I think, "I'm so overbearing," I wallow in my own self-pity, and I don't create the result I want. 

Then I remember my "WHY" and I get to WERK.

Indulgent emotions ARE
emotions that don't produce the result you want.

Indulgent emotions will squash your dreams.

These feelings produce negative (or temporary) results:


Indulging Helps No One. 
Here's Why:


If your favorite teacher and thought: "I'm not gonna teach today because this concept isn't that great..."

Her Feeling: Insecure

Her Action: Indulge in her negative emotion and don't show up.

Result: Ends up helping no one and feels bad because she indulged.

Goals are achieved from empowered thinking.
Here's Why:


Empowered Thinking Examples:

Thought: "I'm willing to be perceived as XYZ for the person who NEEDS IT."
Feeling: Dedicated
Action: Show up and serve clients.
Result: Helped someone in need. (Goal achieved!)

Thought: "I can do hard things."
Feeling: Committed
Action: Figure that ish out step-by-step.
Result: Hard thing accomplished! (Goal achieved!)

Thought: "I'm an expert that can teach what I know."
Feeling: Focused
Action: Offer insight, teach, advise.
Result: Teach effectively. (Goal achieved!)

What result do YOU want to create?

I can help!

Set up a free mini-session.