What's happening in the world is horrifying.

We shouldn't try to feel better about it.

Good News

Awareness is a tool we can use to understand where we are,
where we want to be, and how to get there.

What you spend your time doing is what your life is about.

The best news is that you get to choose where to put your attention, time, energy, money, and voice. 

You get to choose.

Where am I spending my time?
Where am I spending my energy?
Is it serving others?
Is it serving me? 

What would love do? 
Does love hide? No, that's what shame does.

Does love look like ignoring, resisting, distracting or denying? No, that's just numbing the symptom.

Does love look like vulnerability? Sometimes, it means you're open-hearted.

Does love look like watching the media 24/7? No, that's just consuming information without taking action.

 Listening, connecting, reaching out, doing the work. 
That what love would do.

This is a wakeup call. 

It's opened up our eyes to what is.


Do not go back to sleep.

Don't push this away because it's uncomfortable. 

Let's all ask these questions:
What's helpful? 
What would love do? 
Am I showing up from the place that's useful?

Awareness is the first step towards change. Always.

If you're struggling with the current state of the world, please reach out.

I promise to hold space for you.


personal life coach