Baby don’t hurt me…. don’t hurt me… no more…. OKAY BUT REALLY…

Unconditional love means loving someone for who they are, without trying to change, fix or "improve" them.

Unconditional love is for YOU to feel love.

When you love someone no matter what... YOU get to feel love.

Loving no matter what isn't for the other person, it's for you.


We are the only ones who can feel our feelings.

My feelings exist in me, and can only be experienced by me.

Your feelings exist in you, and can only be experienced by you.

We can't make each other people feel our feelings.

We can't make others feel our love because it only exists within ourselves.

No one can make you feel happy, sad, angry, guilty, loved, anxious, jealous, blissful, etc.

Your feelings are always up to you.

When your partner leaves their socks on the floor...

You can choose to feel frustrated.

You can choose to feel love because it means you have a partner.

When your mom comments on your appearance...

You can choose to feel annoyed.

You can choose to feel love because it means she's thinking about you.

When your partner's ex 'likes' something on social media...

You can choose to feel threatened.

You can choose to feel love because it means more people wish your partner well.

You can choose to feel anything you want towards someone but love is always the best choice.

Why? Because you get to feel love.

Even when it comes to your "enemy." You could choose to hate that person, but then you feel hate. Hate feels horrible.

When a client wants to feel better about someone, they often say, "I just want to feel neutral about them."

Feeling indifferent doesn't feel good either.

Why not choose love? Love is always available.

Loving someone does not mean you have to talk to them, or hug them, or call them.

You can love them, make no contact with them, and they don't have to know anything about it.

Resonate with this post but don’t know how to apply it?

I can help you.


“Coaching came into existence to fill an unmet need, which coincided with the shift away from a model of psychological illness, and toward the humanistic ideal of wellness. And growth.” -Vikki Brock

Have a beautiful weekend.
All my best,

personal life coaching