Do you know the difference between someone
who is "on-trend" and someone who has style?

Being "on-trend" means depending on the fast-fashion industry to dictate what one wears. 

Having a unique style is dressing intelligently according to body type, fit, and a unique-to-you set of preferences that flatter skin tone, undertone.

-Trendy is momentary. 

-Trendy is short-lived, once a trend has been realized by the masses it becomes passé.

-Trendy is expensive. It requires that you stay up with the 52-seasons of fast-fashion, which encourages high quantity, low quality, and constant consumption then throw-out mentality.

-Having style is living true to you, and your unique personality.

-Having style is having a wardrobe that is tailored to your desires, it's unwavering to other's opinions.

-Having style is being empowered by your choices, not companies trying to create FOMO.

-Having style is sustainable, it doesn't require upkeep, constant spending, and depleting our natural resources.

-Having style is intelligent. If you have the tools, you can whip up and incredible look with just a few staple pieces. 

Style is being conscious, it's being in-tune and true to you. 

I hope you feel inspired to get curious about your own style. 


If you're re-defining your style, figuring out what feels like you, in the process of becoming a new version of yourself, or if you're shedding the layers of past versions of you, I'd love to help you along the way.

Message me and let's talk about it!