Like yourself. That’s it. 

But not in a boasting or arrogant way. Arrogance is comparing and declaring yourself as "better than."
That's repulsive.

Being attractive has to do with self-acceptance and self-care, having your own back, celebrating yourself and being unconditionally on your own team.



It doesn’t happen overnight. It requires baby steps which actually makes things doable.

STORYTIME: My first baby step challenge was to like my hands without nail polish. I used to be so self-loathing that the only part of myself that I found acceptable was my hands WITH POLISH. I used to have absurd terms and conditions about what made me "acceptable." 
When I mastered liking my hands (sans nail polish), my next challenge was to be seen without makeup. Then I moved on to the next baby step.


Each tiny step takes effort but it’s SO WORTH IT because it’s way more FUN to like yourself than to be your own worst critic. 



Bryon Katie says: “If I don’t like me, I don’t like you.”

It’s the best insight as to why people are mean or judgmental towards others. It reveals how much work they have to do on loving themselves. This allows me to lend compassion toward them. If they’re outwardly cruel, they’re internally suffering and it has nothing to do with anyone else. 


Pro Tip: If you find yourself thinking, "I don't like you" towards someone else... you are finding something in yourself that you don't like that shows up in another person. It's just a sign to love yourself harder.

Having unconditional love towards yourself allows you to show up in a way that truly serves.

Feeling the opposite will keep you small and from sharing your gifts, and it robs the rest of us from being able to celebrate you.


Dressing well, and having the tools to do so has helped me LIKE me better.

When I feel good about what I'm wearing, I feel good in my body and I'm not beating myself up. I feel so good that I'm able to share my gifts more generously with others.

That's why it's so important.

I hope the same for you.  Click HERE for wardrobe styling tips.

Ready to redefine your style?

Together let's upgrade your wardrobe so you can be confident in the way you show up for yourself and the world. 

Drop me a line, click HERE.
I'd love to connect with you.
